Adult Orthodontics: Am I too old for braces?

What comes to mind when you think of the word “braces”? For many adults it conjures up images of the unmissable metal braces worn by children and teenagers in the playground in years gone by. Fortunately, things have moved on and children and adults alike can now very subtly straighten their teeth. (Keep reading for more on the discrete, adult orthodontic options available and how they can help you to start enjoying straight teeth within months.) If you try to cover your mouth when you laugh, or avoid being photographed, because you feel self-conscious about your teeth, then it’s time to consider adult orthodontics. More adults than ever before are boosting their self-esteem with discrete braces.

Dental braces for adults

Dental braces for adults improve the way you look by applying gentle pressure to straighten your teeth. Treatment also improves the way your teeth bite together and makes them easier to clean.
Many patients feel happier and more confident with their attractive, new straight teeth.

Adult orthodontic options

Adult orthodontic options include:
Subtle, fixed braces are built with strong, durable metal brackets (or ceramic brackets) that attach to the teeth and are connected by wire.
Discrete metal brackets are much smaller than those used in old-fashioned metal braces while ceramic brackets are even more subtle.

Lingual braces are placed behind the teeth so most people won’t notice you’re having treatment.

Clear, removable braces, you wear sets of removable, “invisible” aligners, which gradually move your teeth towards their ultimate, straight position. You can very easily take the retainers out for eating and brushing your teeth.

Treatment times for most adult braces are one to two years, depending on your teeth and the specific treatment.

Could adult orthodontics help me?

To find out if you could benefit from dental braces for adults, please consider the following questions:

Do you:

  • Feel unhappy about the way your teeth look?
  • Have crowded, misplaced, twisted, gappy or crooked teeth?
  • Have protruding teeth?
  • Have teeth on the upper and lower jaws that don’t meet properly?
  • Find it difficult to reach all the surfaces of your teeth when brushing?
  • Find chewing or biting difficult?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you could probably benefit from adult orthodontics. Adult braces can usually help to deal with all of these problems. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Malcomson to ask how to get started.