Mouth Breathing During Sleep May Increase Risk of Tooth Decay

Researchers from the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand discovered by way of various sleep studies, that throughout a person’s stages of sleep, the ‘mouth breathers’ have a lower acidity level. In fact, results showed that mouth breathers fall well below the threshold of when a tooth's enamel may begin to break down and bacteria can readily take hold and cause problems. What does this mean? Breathing through your mouth can dry your saliva (which ironically is an important defense mechanism for preventing the mouth from becoming too acidic), studies show that dry-mouth individuals run a higher risk of erosion, than individuals with normal salivary secretion rates. Lower acidity leads to loss of tooth enamel through erosion (the direct...

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Protect Your Teeth!

Did you know...  the BEST type of athletic mouthguard is one that is custom fabricated to fit the athlete's teeth. A mouthguard; whether athletic or occlusal that is purchased from a retail store, never quite fits as snug as it is required to be in order to fully protect the teeth from grinding or clenching while playing a sport. In order to have full protection from possible impact, an athlete shouldn’t be clenching their teeth while they are playing. Many sport organizations mandate that ALL players are required to wear a sport specific mouthguard, in addition to the appropriate level of eye, head and body protection. Whether your athlete plays lacrosse, soccer, ice hockey or basketball; a ball or elbow...

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